Monday, December 12, 2011

The "Desires of the Sinful Nature" are also called "The Acts of the Sinful Nature" ~Galatians 5: 16-21

Friday, December 9, 2011

"Know Your Enemy"

      Disguise and Camouflage are important Tactics in Warfare, however, they can also be used for Evil Purposes. Enemy Spies sometimes Disquise their Faces to Hide their Identity!

      We should not be Surprised to Learn, therefore, that Satan Disquises himself as an Angel of Light, and his Followers Pretend to be Servants of Righteousness (2 Cor.11:14-15.)

      When satan came to Jesus, he Tried to Disquise his Real Purposes by offering Sugar-Coated Temptations!!!!!!!...........

     The devil is a Deceiver and a Liar too. We are not Ignorant of his devices! "KNOW YOUR ENEMY." Quit pretending that you have been saved all your life!

     Remember from whence thy have fallen,  repent and do your first work all over again. Put on the Whole Armor Of God.....Cleanse Your Mind from ALL Filthiness Of The Flesh that ye maybe able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

     Quit acting like you don't know the tactics of the devil whom ye once served. "I KNOW HIM, I WAS THE CHIEF OF CHIEFS AMONG SINNERS."

     SHOT Caller, Big Baller, Original OG....shooting bones and playa playa and such were some of you! Game Facing, yea you played a good stick wit yo Zoots Suit on. "KNOW YOUR ENEMY."

     Saints don't be deceived, we are living in the last days, "SEEK FOR THE OLD PATHS"

We should not be Surprised to Learn, therefore, that Satan Disquises himself as an Angel of Light, and his Followers Pretend to be Servants of Righteousness (2 Cor.11:14-15.)