Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Open Your Spititual Eyes

     In your life there are obnoxious people; there are mean people, folks who demand a lot of your time and attention; complainers; problem people.

     Honestly, there are people, who for one reason or another, you'd just like to close the door on like almost everyone else has.

     And frankly speaking, you will unless you see them through the eyes of Jesus. Then you'll see the need behind the deeds, like a mother who looks past a baby's crying to find out where it hurts.  


Your positive actions are actually cancelled out by the stinky atmosphere you bring - the stress, the insensitivity, and the criticism you create while you're doing all those good things.

You can be doing great stuff and have a Lousy Attitude and drag people down. What people are supposed to experience by being around you is "the fragrance of the knowledge of Jesus."