Saturday, November 16, 2013


Finally realized just what I want.

I want a Woman who will not only fight with me but will Fight For Me.

A Woman that will "GO TO WAR WITH ME" and if Necessary drag Me and Our Family Out Alive.

A Woman who can see the Good In Me when I can't even see it in Myself.

A Woman that I can Give my Whole Heart to "Totally".... knowing that She Will Guard it with Her Life.

A Woman that I can Place The World at Her Feet and say "Sweetheart This Is My Gift To You"

A Woman who is Secure in Knowing that I'm Her Man and Her's Alone.

"Realization" Oh yes as time passes we realize just What Is Most Important To Us!

"Meditate" on this one question: At this Stage in Your Life, "WHAT IS IT THAT WILL SATISFY THE LONGING OF YOUR HEART AND BE PLEASING TO GOD?"

~suptross <reality 101>