Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Why Does Life Seem So Unfair?

Psalm 73: 3-5 (niv) "For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4) They have no struggles, their bodies are healthy and strong.
5)  They are free from the burdens common to man; they are not plagued by human ills.

     Because we see only one part of the picture it appears to us that Success often has Nothing to do with Godliness!

     Those folk who Ignore or even Hate God often have more Wealth and Power than those who love God!!! Many Saints suffer while non-professing christians seem relatively Unaffected by Life's Difficulities...

     David struggled with such feelings. He saw Arrogant, Violent individuals who lived in Ease and Prosperity (ref vs.3-12)...What he saw even caused him to question the Validity of his own faith (ref vs. 2).

     David felt cheated, WHY TRY TO LIVE RIGHT....? It never seem to pay off in Tangible Ways (ref vs. 13)....When David finally sat down to write, he wrote about HOW HIS ATTITUDE HAD CHANGED!

     What was it that caused David to check himself??? What will it take for You to put Self in Check??? David began to look at life from a Spiritual Point of View rather than from a Worldly Point (ref vs. 17).

     Life always seem Unfair when we Measure it by Earthly Standards of Health, Wealth and Power.

     When we Encounter God in a Personal, Intimate Way---just as David did in the Sanctuary--- then and only then can we gain a Heavenly Perpective!!!

     We need to look at the Other Side of the Picture---and see that the Rewards of this Life are Temporary, and as a matter of fact they can even HINDER US FROM DISCOVERING WHAT IS REALLY IMPORTANT!!!!!



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