Thursday, January 12, 2012


I love to see the Man, a long-lived child,
As yet uninjured by all Worldly taint
As the fresh infant whose whole life is play.
'Tis a serene spectacle for a serene day;
But better still I love to contemplate
The mature Soul of lesser Innocence,
Who hath traveled far on life's dusty road
Far from the starting point of Infancy
And proudly bears his small degen'racy
Blazon on his memorial standard high
Who from the sad experience of his fate
Has proudly steered his life with his own hands.
Yet there do chiefly lurk within its depths
Furrowed by care, but yet all over spread
Within the ripe bloom of a self-wrought content
Noble resolves which do reprove the gods
 And it doth more assert Man's Eminence
Above the happy level of the brute
And more doth advertise me of the heights
To which no natural path doth ever lead
 No natural light can ever light our steps'
--But the far-piercing ray that shines
From the recesses of a Brave Man's Eye

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