Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Many of men are extremely gifted at being "Inconsiderate." We fail to see the Deep Hurts and Intense Fears of our Wives.

We are Notoriously Insensitive--and the people we live with have the Scars to Prove it. It seems to be a Characteristic of the Male Ego.

Peter is telling us because women are co-heirs with men of "the precious gift of life," they are equally citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven!

"WHAT DO REAL HUSBANDS DO?" ----If husbands "Faithfully followed" the precept in (Lu. 6:31) in relating to Their Wives, the Married Women in our world would think that they were on the Threshold of Heaven, if not half was thru the door!

Men---let's Become "REAL HUSBANDS."


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